
Rhinoplasty is an operational procedure that aims to significantly improve the appearance of the nose and improve its compatibility with the face.

Nose is one of the most important aesthetic units of the face. Therefore, rhinoplasty is one of the most important, most applied and most sophisticated operational procedures among all aesthetic procedures. The nose has a very important and complex structure both anatomically and functionally. When restructuring, the two most important elements must be taken into consideration. 

  1. To try to shape of the nose as natural and beautiful as possible.
  2. To maintain the breathing function or to improve breathing ability if there is a problem with breathing.

The operations that can be done for the shape will be completely according to the structure of the nose. 

Accordingly, the nose can be minimized, the nasal tip can be slimmed, the nose wings and nose bridge can be narrowed, the curvature and asymmetries in the nose can be corrected as much as possible, structures that make it difficult to breathe in the nose can be moved to a better point for breathing.

The most important point that should be known by the patient is the objective evaluation of the success of the operational approach. Each nose has its own characteristics. The expectations of the potential patient who will decide on the operation must be absolutely realistic. It would be a fictitious approach to claim or suggest that the same shape can be formed from every nose type and with that set of mind the results would end with high level of disappointments. Therefore, for a successful result, you need to consult a surgeon with sufficient experience and knowledge.

Should I Have Rhinoplasty

It is one of the most difficult questions for a patient and the only one to answer it is you. It is an operation that you should not have under the influence or pressure of others. For this reason, your problems about your nose must be evaluated in a calm and rational way and also you should keep your expectations in the same way. As a result of this evaluation, you can make a better decision for your health. Every operation has risks and what you will get from the operation as benefit should outpace the risks you will take. 

Who Should I Apply for Rhinoplasty

Of course I recommend you to apply to me. But joking aside, make sure that your doctor is experienced and knowledgeable enough for this operation.

I have a breathing problem, so I need to have an operation under the the operation of an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist and Plastic surgeons cannot perform a good operation on the innerside of nose. This kind of an approach is completely wrong. Besides, the stereotype for that Plastic surgeons perform aesthetics of rhinoplasty operation better than they do for the innerside thought is equally wrong as the other ones. There are many experienced ENT and plastic surgery specialists who can perform both very well. The most important issue to be considered by the potential patients is the surgeon's experience, knowledge and meticulousness in the operational approach.

What Should I Expect From Rhinoplasty

Unfortunately, the noses cannot be shaped as the perfect softwares on the computers. Nose operation is an extremely complex and sophisticated operational procedure. Therefore, your expectation level should stay at having a natural and beautiful looking nose. Your expectation of outcome is directly related to your satisfaction after operation. An unrealistic expectation and emulation for another look on your nose will greatly upset you and your surgeon. Your surgeon will surely aim for the best both for you and for himself/herself. However, the anatomical structures may limit the surgeon regardless of his/her ability and knowledge and allow only a certain level of improvement.

Which Technique Will Provide Better Results?

Firstly, the technique that the surgeon is experienced in nose operation is the most accurate technique. Both techniques can be used successfully today. Both techniques offer advantages to the surgeon and the patient as well as disadvantages.              

I can apply both techniques at a good degree. For this reason, I personally aim to make a technical choice according to the structure of the nose and to provide the patient with a healthier and a better result. I don't find the application only as the closed technique or only the open technique in absolute terms right and realistic.


Hold yourself in readiness for your first meeting. Analyze your problem well and explain your expectations with peace of mind. Explaining your expectations will help your surgeon understand you. Your doctor will provide detailed information during and after the process of the operation, please listen to your doctor carefully.

Preparation Prior to Operation

Prior to the operation, make sure you learn the procedure to be done during the operation and what you will experience afterwards well. Having an idea about every situation you may/will encounter will both comfort you and ensure that you get through this period safely. Prior to the operation, the pictures of your face from different angles are taken and the problems of the nose and the techniques to solve these problems are noted on the pictures. No surgery is possible by heart. The procedures to be performed are meticulously applied during operation and best possible results are tried to be obtained.

The most important thing here is that the patient is mentally and physically ready for the operation with a full confidence in his/her doctor.

Intervention of Rhinoplasty

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. This is probably the most comfortable period. Thanks to anesthetic drugs, after a painless and trouble-free operation, bandage is put on the bridge of the patient's nose and silicone nasal packings are placed inside the nose and the patient is awakened and taken to the room safely. The most important question that worries the patient during the operation is the safety of anesthesia. Of course, anesthesia is not completely risk-free. However, there are scientific studies and statistics that both comfort us and the patient. We can explain it like this, for healthy people, anesthesia is safer than driving a vehicle.

Post Operation

I will try to explain the conditions that may cause discomfort the patient after the operation .

Swellings and Bruises

Unfortunately, swellings & bruises are one of the most negative conditions that distracts the patient from his/her social and working life. It is totally out of the question to claim that the patient will not have swellings and bruises after such an operation. In parallel with the surgical operation performed, immediately after the operation, facial swelling begins and increases during the first 48 hours.

Swelling is a reflexive response of the body to operation and it is inevitable. It is almost impossible to predict how much swelling there will be. The severity of the swelling is proportional to the size, duration of the surgical procedure, the reaction of the body to this procedure, and the post-operative care for the patient. If the patient follows the advice and directives of his/her doctor regularly, the swelling will remain at the level that won't discomfort the patient and then he/she may relieve at a certain level.

The swelling reduces to a level that cannot be seen in about a week or ten days. This means that the bruises and swelling go down to a level that cannot be perceived by other people/people that don't know you. This period is one of the most tiring periods for the patients and their relatives. It is not possible for the swelling to fade away completely within 10 days and to form a regular nose. It is important for the patient to be aware of this and to be enduring. A well-restructured nose will continue to normalize and look natural and beautiful every day.

Nasal Packing and Problem in Breathing

In the nose operations made, whether or not there is a problem with breathing or not, we usually place a tampon in the nose. It is a tampon which is designed to allow you to breathe partially and is a silicone packing. Approximately 6-8 hours after the insertion of the packing, the nasal tip opens and you can breathe partially through the nose.

The most important detail that should not be forgotten here is that your breathing is at partial level and the fact that you will need to breathe through the mouth. This period will be similar to what you experience in the case of a moderate or severe flu. When you open the nasal tip after the operation, there will be bloody flow and leakage. It should be noted that this should not to be deemed as a bleeding and no lather should be gotten into. These leakings will diminish and disappear. In this period, cleaning the nostrils with cotton swabs or a wet wipe is significant to prevent the nose from congestion. The nasal pads are finally removed on the 3rd or 4th day, when edema begins to decrease, leading to cross out this boring situation. One of the procedures that surgeons dislike the most is removing the packings out of nose. Because the patient comes with a serious prejudice with what he/she hears around and is in great fear. This makes it difficult for the surgeon to work.

Removal of the packings is extremely painless and simple as long as the patient is compliant. There is no need to worry. After the packings have been removed, most of the troubles will be gone except for the swellings and slight bruises. Your ability to breathe will increase every day and normalize within a few months

Postoperative Pain

After the nose operation, the least painful and distressing situation is pain. Although the perception and tolerance of pain varies from person to person, the pain after rhinoplasty is definitely a pain that can be tolerated very easily. It is a condition that you can easily overcome with mild or moderate painkillers.

It would be a very accurate approach to define nasal surgery as follows: it is a nearly painless but a distressing operation.

Other Problems

There will be some mimic instabilities as the facial mimic muscles weakens due to swelling after nasal surgery and this is temporary. This is most commonly observed in the upper lip. It's not a concern, and it'il be over soon. When you wake up in the morning in the first 2 and 3 months after the operation, you can see that your nose is swollen and the swelling disappears later in the day. The healing procedure has not been completed and this will disappear as healing develops. After 2 or 3 months it is believed that the swelling will not cease and the nose will remain that way and this may seriously impair the patient's morale. Recovery is an extremely slow and complicated process and takes an average year. Therefore, the changes can be observed in the nose up to 1 year.

Points to be Considered After The Operation

Should I Massage?

Massage is still a controversial practice. It is not clear with scientific studies how much it helps to shape a well-made nose. However, it is thought to remove the edema more rapidly from the nose and activate the circulation and accelerate the healing process. I recommend it for a rapid decrease in swellings ant that will increase the patient's morale and motivation.

When Should I Do Sports?

You can safely do sports that do not require physical contact after 1.5 months.

When Can I Wear Glasses

It is okay to wear glasses 3 months after the operation. But in any case be on the safe side and prefer light-weight glasses.

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