Arm Lift Operation (Brachioplasty)

The skin may lose elasticity with aging or sagging may occur in the arm area after gaining and losing weight. Arm lift operation can be successfully applied to patients with skin laxity and sagging between the armpit and elbow. This operation aims to smooth and lift the loose, saggy arm skin. If there is fat accumulation with sagging skin, liposuction can be applied successfully with arm lift operation.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and requires about 2-3 hours. At the end of the operation, the arm area will be covered with a corset bandage. This bandage should be used continuously for 4-6 weeks depending on the healing process.

Patients with severe skin sagging under the arm, patients with fat sagging and skin sagging due to weight gain may benefit from this operation.

After operation, swelling and bruising may occur in the operational area. Depending on the severity of bruising and swelling, the arm will have a good appearance in 7 days to 15 days. You may be able to do your daily tasks within a week or ten days, but it will take time to return to normal physically.

Once the healing is complete, there will be a localized scar in the arm that extends from the armpit to your elbow and will not be visible when you are standing in the normal position. This trace will be red and brown within the first 6 months. Depending on the development of the wound, within 1-2 years, the scar will return to skin color and will not bother you anymore. It should not be forgotten that genetic factors play an important role as well as stitches on the wound.

The Risks of Arm Lift Operation

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Delay in wound healing
  • Poor wound healing
  • Numbness inside the arm

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