Breast Augmentation (Breast Implant)

What is The Operation of Breast Augmentation With Silicone Implant?

The breast augmentation with silicone implant is carried out with the 3-4 cm cut made from armpit, sphere of nipple or inframammary. Breast augmentation is conducted by placing the silicone prothesis to inside of pocket which is prepared bottom of breast tissue or muscular tissue. As it is defined above, while the silicone implant can be placed under breast tissue, it can be also located bottom the muscle. The location of the implant depends on the characteristics of the breast tissue of the individual entirely. Application of implant bottom of muscle in every breast is not possible. This is determined by the breast tissue’s structure and shape of the patient.

Placement of implant under the muscle is an effective method for especially patients with slight breast tissue. There are significant scientific publications which indicate that this method reduces the development of infection and capsula in late periods. The disadvantage of this method is that it is more painful in comparison with the application to upper muscle.

In our clinic, the location of the implant is explained  to the patient in detail after examination made. It is not appropriate to place the implant under the muscle in every patient.

What Type of Anesthesia is Administered?

The operation is conducted under general anesthesia.

How Long Does The Operation Last?

The duration of the operation lasts approximately for 1-2 hours.

Is The Operation Painful?

While the placement of the implant under breast tissue causes a light pain, placement of it under the muscle is more painful. After this operation, the pain may be easily reduced or removed by painkillers taken from mouth. While the intensity and duration of pain vary according to the localization of the implant, it may last for 3-5 days. I should not be forgotten that the pain intensity shows difference from person to person. 

What Happens After Operation?

Our first recommendation to you after the operation is to take a nice shower when you feel good. This will make you feel better. Swellings and partly empurplings may occur in breasts after the operation. This will return to normal within 2-3 weeks. Shortly after the operation of breast, a slight swelling on breasts may be seen due to oedema. This will disappear incrementally in time and it will return to natural appearance within several months with the effect of gravity. Shortly after the operation, there will be very slight medical dressings and these medical dressings will be done every 3 days with duration of approximately 5-7 days.  

What Changes Should I Expect Immediately After Operation?

Loss of sense may occur in the teat especially after the intervention around the teat. In such cases it may take several months for the senses to come back. As long as the existing breast tissue is sufficient for milk formation, mothers can breastfeeding their babies. Mothers who do not have enough breast tissue with or without silicone implants cannot give milk. It is not related to silicone implant.

The silicone implant can be felt by touching in women who do not have enough breast tissue or weak breast tissue. This is more obscure in women whose silicone implant placed under muscle.

The silicone implant does not rupture by air travel, swimming or diving. Only an accident or injury caused by a sharp or piercing object that may break the rib cage can cause the silicone implant to rupture. 

How is The Scar Like?

Scar is an expected result after the breast augmentation. This scar is approximately 3.5 - 4 cm in size and is quite acceptable. Once the wound healed, red and swollen scar eventually flattens and becomes skin-colored. 

What Kind of Problems May I Encounter During and After The Operation?

Like in all surgical interventions, there are risks in this operation. When operated by an experienced plastic surgeon, there is little chance of problems. The problems encountered in early period can be summarized as,

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Delay in wound healing.

The precautions to be taken and a careful surgical intervention is the key to a problem-free and successful operation. All surgical interventions carry certain risks. The healing process can be prolonged as individuals' structures and responses to healing are different.

Capsules may develop around the implant in the late period. The contracture around the silicone implant is the most common problem of this operation. The capsule is a kind of scar tissue formed against the implant placed in the body. This reaction is an extreme response of the body to a foreign body. Mostly, this capsule is extremely thin and is not tactile. However, if the body's reaction is more than necessary, the capsule thickens and hardens. In this case, depending on the extent of thickening, the capsule may be tactile, and even deformity of the chest can occur. The capsule growth rate, which was 30-35% in the past, is now 6-8%. The reason for the hardening of the capsule has not been fully clarified. The surface of the implant is thinly textured, placing the implant under the muscle has been shown to significantly reduce the hardening of the capsule. Hardening of the capsule usually occurs in the first 3 years. When the capsule hardens and deforms the breast, a new surgical intervention is needed to eliminate this condition.

How Long Does It Take to Return to Normal?

You can walk or perform light movements. But you should avoid heavy work for the first 7-10 days. During this time, you can return to your work depending on the heaviness of your work. You can start arm exercises and exercises such as swimming after the 6th week. You can easily drive after 1 week.

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