Breast Reduction

Aesthetic breast reduction operation seems to be one of the cosmetic operations performed to improve the appearance of the woman, however, it is not aesthetic but reconstructive. A saggy breast due to the severity of the large size can cause back and neck pain and respiratory distress in women.

Many techniques have been described in relation with breast reduction. Whichever technique is applied, the aim is to achieve the ideal appearance. The method used in this operation is determined by an algorithm prepared according to the age of the patient and the size of the breast. 

If the patient's age and breast size are appropriate, the method called vertical mammoplasty, leaving a steep scar around the nipple to the base of the breast, is preferred. If the patient's age and breast size are not suitable for vertical mammoplasty, the method which leaves reverse T-shaped scarring is chosen. The aim is to use the safest and ideal method for the patient.

Am I Suitable for This Operation?

As a result of the examination, the size of your breast, the shape, the condition of your skin, your age, whether you will get married and have children and the new location of the nipple will be discussed with you.

What Type of Anesthesia is Administered?

Operation is performed in a well-equipped hospital and under general anesthesia.

How Long Does The Operation Last?

Surgery lasts 2.5 - 4 hours

Is The Operation Painful?

After operation, it is mostly easy. The pain is minimal.

What Happens After Operation?

Usually a vacuum system, called drain, is placed on both breasts and removed within 24-72 hours. Separate medical dressing is placed on the nipple. The dressing is opened after 2 days and the wound is checked. After 7 days, the dressings are opened. Stay in hospital for 1-3 days is essential . The patient is dressed in a corset bra for 6 weeks.

What Changes Should I Expect Immediately After Operation?

Swelling will occur in early term, loss of sensation in the nipple and purplish discoloration on the skin may occur. They disappear spontaneously in a short period of time.

How is The Scar Like?

Whichever method is applied, traces remains around the nipple. In addition, a further downward scar from the middle of the lower edge of the nipple remains according to the method used. For young patients and patients with medium-sized breasts, vertical mammoplasty is applied in which a perpendicular scar around and on the nipple is left. However, for very large breasts and patients over the age of 45, this scar remains under the breast, which we call inverted T. This scar may become vague over time. Skin color and genetic structure of the patient is an important factor affecting the way and structure of the trace.

What Kind of Problems May I Encounter During and After The Operation?

As with any operation, breast reduction surgery has some risks. Bleeding: This is a rare condition that can occur during or after operation. The post-operative drain on the breasts is used to monitor for bleeding and to prevent the accumulation of blood in the breast tissue. Infection: Extremely unusual. Protective antibiotics are used at the beginning and after the operation. Changes in nipple and skin sensitivity: Temporary decrease in sensitivity of these areas may occur. Delay in wound healing; Clinically, the wound closes after 12-14 days. However, sometimes wound healing may deviate due to infection, circulatory problems, smoking habits and chronic diseases. Depending on the severity of this deviation, dressings may be continued or a new surgical intervention may be required. Wound Scars; Every surgical procedure heals by leaving a scar, often the quality of the scars cannot be determined in advance. While scars are not noticed in some cases, scarring may occur in the skin and deep tissues in some patients, and even some patients may require surgical correction or other treatments.

How Long Does it Take To Return To Normal?

The patient may return to work after 10 to 15 days. It is recommended to stay away from extreme sports for 3 months. Aesthetic breast reduction operation generally gives good and lasting results, improves the mental health of the person and their spouse, makes them lead a happier life, and particularly it makes easier to dress. The newly shaped breast is long-lasting, but weight changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding and gravity can cause breast volume increase and sagging. 

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