Golden Needle Radiofrequency

Golden needle is a procedure applied in many parts of the body to protect skin barriers and renew the skin. It is used to rejuvenate, brighten and purify the skin from problems. With the effect of environmental factors, sagging, wrinkles and blemish problems are gradually increasing. Gold needle application is used to remove these unwanted images. Since the gold needle procedure is not a surgical operation, it can be applied reliably.

What is Golden Needle?

Golden needle, also known as fractional radio frequency application, aims to rejuvenate and renew the skin. Wrinkles, stains and deformations caused by aging are reshaped with the gold needle method. The skin looks vibrant, bright and thus the person looks younger. The problematic areas of the skin are determined and the process continues in sessions. The number of sessions depends on the deformations on the person's skin.

How is Golden Needle Procedure Performed?

For the gold needle application, a detailed examination is first performed. In this examination, points such as how many sessions will be performed to correct the appearance in the desired area, how many minutes the session will last, and how the session intervals will be determined. The patient is informed about the process and what to do before and after and what to pay attention to.

Gold needle is performed by applying high radio waves under the skin in the problematic area with the gold needle tips of the fractional radio frequency device. Gold needles are approximately 25 pieces of 3 millimeters thick. This controlled process continues for 35-40 minutes depending on the need. In this way, it is applied in sessions until the unwanted image on the skin is corrected.

After the gold needle application, redness and swelling may occur on the skin. This does not affect the return to daily life. The patient can return to daily life immediately after the procedure.




Intended Use of Gold Needle

The gold needle procedure reaches the layers under the skin and revitalizes the tissues there. Damaged collagen tissues under the skin are repaired and new collagen production is stimulated. With the controlled procedure, elasticity is ensured. It is aimed to eliminate wrinkles, tighten pores, eliminate acne and scarring problems.

Benefits of Golden Needle

The advantages of gold needle are quite many. First of all, gold needle application is frequently used by many physicians. It is a preferred skin renewal and rejuvenation procedure because it is very comfortable for patients.

Advantages of gold needle procedure compared to other applications;

  • No crusting or peeling on the skin after the procedure,
  • Redness disappears in a short time after the procedure,
  • Creating lasting results,
  • The effects start to be seen even after only the first session,
  • It is easy to do because it is not a surgical procedure,
  • It can be counted as a comfortable procedure process and the patient can return to daily life immediately.




Things to Consider When Getting a Gold Needle

Before the gold needle application, a physical examination is performed and the patient's complaints are listened to. If the patient has previous treatment methods for these complaints, he/she should share with his/her doctor any medications he/she is taking. It is important to minimize the risk of any side effects.

Before the gold needle application, the patient is prepared for the procedure. The area where the procedure will be performed is cleaned. Local anesthetic creams are applied to prevent pain or pain sensation. After the cream takes effect, the procedure is started.

It is very important to protect the skin from sun rays after gold needle application. High factor sunscreen creams are effective.

Who is Golden Needle Applied to?

Gold needle application is planned to treat most defects in the skin. It can be applied to the relevant areas of the body in the face area. For example, it has a wide range from acne scar on the face to the crack on the leg. This procedure, which has a very wide area of use, can be applied in the following cases.

  • Spots on the skin,
  • Scars, burn marks,
  • Cracks
  • Signs of ageing,
  • Wrinkles
  • Decolletage area,
  • Acne and acne scars,
  • Bruises around the eyes,
  • Sagging regions,
  • Dark circles around the eyes




Gold Needle Prices

Gold needle prices depend on many variables. The most important factor is the area where the gold needle procedure will be applied. The area width of the region determines the duration of the procedure. A second factor is the intensity of the deformation. The deeper and more intense the deformation, the longer the session duration. Therefore, a planning is made according to the patient's condition. You can contact Op. Dr. Can KOPAL for information about gold needle prices.

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