Laser Hair Removal

Hair growth is not basically a cosmetic problem instead, a complaint that has psychological and social aspects. Abnormal hair growth, especially in adolescence, should be examined urgently and the cause should be found and treated. Hormone changes that are dynamic throughout the life of a woman affect the hair growth process. The hair on the face before puberty are light yellow and thin (vellus hair). At the end of puberty, the hormones thicken the small hair and turn it into dark terminal hair. It is normal for terminal hair to grow in the armpit and genital area. The reason for having different hairs in men and women is that both systems have different hormone activity. Under normal conditions, testosterone is low in women and estrogen is low in men. This increase in testosterone level causes hair growth in women. In medical language, this condition is called hirsutism. In other words, with the increase of male hormone testosterone, terminal hair appears primarily on the face, nipples, waist, belly, legs and breast area and is called hirsutism. Hair growth in the forearm, calf and lower knee of both sexes is not related to hormones. This hair cannot be depilated with hormone treatment. .

Hair growth can sometimes be a sign of a crucial disease. Estradiol, LH, FSH, testosterone, prolactin, TSH, DHEAS, 17 hydroxyprogesterone tests done on the blood drew between 3 and 5 days of menstrual period illuminate the cause of hair growth. These tests should be performed in an appropriate research laboratory and evaluated by endocrinology specialists who are specialized in their field. The most common cause of hair growth is genetic. Young people with hairy people in their families are more hairy. This could be on the mother or father side. Menstrual period and fertility of the patients with these complaints are usually regular. 

Polycystic ovary disease is the second major cause of hair growth. In this disease, there are many mill metric cysts in the ovaries. The reason for the formation of cysts is the absence of normal ovulation periods in every woman of childbearing age should have. A rare cause of hair growth is hormone imbalance deriving from the adrenal gland. This imbalance comes with birth, but shows itself in adolescence. Laser hair removal plays an important role in the treatment of hair growth.

Laser hair removal is one of the best methods for permanent hair loss.

The Effect Mechanism of Laser

The melanin (substance that gives the color to hair and skin) in the hair is detected by laser beam and the hair absorbing this light acts as a conductor and conveys the heat converted from light energy to the hair root (selective thermolysis). The aim here is to destroy hair and cells that feed them, thereby minimizing or completely destroying hair production. Laser devices vary according to the wavelengths. Ruby (694 nm), alexandrite (755 nm), diode (808 nm), NdYag (1064 nm) are among the lasers used. Frequently preferred are alexandrite and diode lasers. As the wavelength of light decreases, its sensitivity to melanin substance which gives the color of the hair increases. Therefore, low wavelength lasers give very effective results in black hairs. It is very important to use a laser that will not harm the skin and which may have a high impact on the hair for effectiveness and permanency of the treatment. For this reason, the most preferred and trusted results are got from alexandrite lasers. It must be applied under the supervision of a doctor. The point is that people with hormone imbalance should not get laser hair removal treatment until they reach full balance. In this case, the hair removed by treatment comes back in a few months. Hormone balance should only be determined under the supervision of a hormone specialist (endocrinology). The most successful results in the treatment of hair growth is seen when both hormone and laser treatments are conducted together.

Points to Take Into Consideration Prior to Laser Treatment 

  1. The skin colour of the areas where laser treatment will be applied should not be bronzed in the sun and solarium and should be close to the actual skin color of the person during the session.
  2. Any kind of hair removal (tweezers, waxing, epilator) should not be done within 20 days on the areas where laser treatment will be applied.
  3. Hair that will have laser hair removal cannot be have bleaching process.
  4. Any peeling product like retinoic acid, glycolic acid should not be used 15 days before treatment.
  5. Make sure that there is no makeup on the face while laser treatment is being applied.
  6. Laser treatment cannot be applied to patients with cutaneous disease, roaccutane users and 3 months of pregnants.

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