
Physical appearance depends on familial and genetic factors such as hair color, eye color and height and is beyond our control. However, one of the most accepted considerations is that proper weight can be maintained with exercise and an appropriate diet. However, despite all efforts, weight loss or weight control can fail and fat tissue cannot be reduced despite all the exercise and diet. Liposuction is one of the most applied cosmetic surgery operations in our country as well as in the whole world. It is a highly effective method to reshape your body. By emphesising again, this method is not a weight loss method, but is the operation of shaping the body by means of reducing regional fat.

What is Liposuction? 

Liposuction is the process of removing localized fat with the help of negative pressure provided by a thin tube. These thin tubes are called cannulae. These localized regions are abdomen, inner thighs and outer thighs, buttocks, knees and under the chin. Breast growth called gynecomastia in men can also be successfully treated with this method. The cannulae are placed into the adipose tissue by making very small incisions while vacuum is being applied and the adipose tissue is pulled out and eventually the volume becomes decreased.

What is The Liposuction's History? 

Liposuction has been one of the most applied methods in plastic surgery. Liposuction was first used in Rome in 1974 by Dr Giorgio Fischer, an Italian gynecologist. Today, liposuction has been more modern by virtue of laser and ultrasound technology.

The superiority of ultrasound and laser assisted liposuction method over classical method is still controversial. 

Am I Suitable for This Operation? 

Your eligibility for operation can be discussed after an appointment and physical examination in our clinic. During the consultation, operation’s benefits on you, your general health and also the aspects such as smoking, drug use issues which may affect the recovery will be examined. You should stop smoking as it will adversely affect wound healing as well as any kind of operation. 

During the interview, the tension of the skin will be evaluated and it will be checked whether it is suitable for liposuction or not. If the liposuction is applied on the skin with reduced elasticity, it will not result in an expected way due to the skin's inability to recover.

The ideal candidates for liposuction are healthy, active, overweight 12-15% of their ideal weight and have a good skin tension.

Liposuction is not a method that completely eliminates cellulite.

What is The Tumescent Technique? 

The introduction of the Tumescent technique developed by American Dr. Klein has led to significant improvements in liposuction. Tumescent technique in liposuction is the administration of a certain amount of serum, adrenaline and local anesthetic into the adipose tissue. Administration of the serum weakens the intercellular connection, thus allowing it to be easily absorbed. Another benefit is the shrinkage of the vessels with the effect of adrenaline which leads to bleed less.

What Does The Operation Contain? 

The operation will be performed with various numbers of 5-6 mm length incisions. Immediately after incisions are made, the serum content is applied to the area to be operated. Following the application of liquid, the volume of the region is reduced to the desired level by absorbing the fat cells with the help of cannula by using vacuum.

What Type of Anesthesia is Administered?

Liposuction can be successfully applied under local or general anesthesia. Anesthesia will be decided depending on the region where liposuction will be applied and the consultation with the person. 

How Long The Operation Takes?

The duration of operation varies depending on the area where liposuction will be applied.

Is The Operation Painful?

Although pain is not very severe, feel of pain is personal. Therefore, the severity of pain varies from person to person.

How Long Will I Stay in Hospital?

Staying in the hospital overnight depends on the size of the liposuction area and the amount of taken fat. If the operated area is small or less than 1.5 liters of fat removal is performed, the individual can leave the hospital safely on the day of operation. When this amount is exceeded, it can be decided whether or not the person will stay overnight considering the age and general health status of the person. 

How Much Fat Can Be Removed At Once?

It is necessary to know the maximum amount of fat to be taken safely in an operation. Scientifically, it is said that the maximum amount of fat to be taken at a time is 10% of the person's weight. However, when we say the safe amount, this amount is usually between 2.5 and 4 liters. If a second operation is decided, a waiting period of 3 months is recommended. 

How Much Weight Will I Lose?

The weight you lose will be minimal. Liposuction is not a weight loss operation. Considering that 2.5-4 liters of fat are taken in one session, this amount will not result in a significant change in your overall body weight. In contrast, the area where liposuction is applied will be as thin as it was desire to be. 

Will There Be Lipoidosis Again in That Area?

The weight put on over time will not cause a significant increase in volume in the operated areas. It should not be forgotten that if the necessary attention is not given, the weight gain is inevitable in other parts of the body.

What Happens After Operation?

After the operation, there will be a tights corset that covers the operated areas. The purpose of their use is to prevent bleeding in the operated areas and to adapt the skin to the new area. 

What Changes Happen Immediately After Operation?

Fluid may leak from small incisions made within the first 24-48 hours after operation. Although the liquid leaks through the incisions, swelling and bruising are inevitable. The bruises disappear in about 3 weeks but they may turn yellow which may last up to 2 months. Tissue swelling may persist for 4 weeks. During this time, you may not notice any changes in body size due to swelling.  

How is The Scar Like?

The scar is not a complication but a normal, expected result. Since the incisions are very small (4-6 mm), scars become extremely vague and acceptable. 

What Kind of Problems May I Encounter During and After The Operation?

When liposuction is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, the possibility of develeping any problems is very low, and these problems are usually simple problems. 

How Long Does It Take to Return to Normal?

The healing process is directly related to the region or width of the regions where liposuction is applied. Although small incisions are made, there is a large area of the wound under the skin that is not seen. Therefore, recovery process requires resting after operation and after 2-3 days, light exercise is recommended to improve and increase blood circulation. If there is more swelling and bruising than expected, light exercise can be delayed to 5-7. days of post-operation. You can start medium level exercises at 10-14. days of post-operation. 

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