Nasolabial Filler

Nasolabial filling applied in facial aesthetics is used to fill the lines formed with a smile and thus prevent wrinkles. Nasolabial filling, which is preferred for softening the expression of the face and a younger appearance, is adjusted and applied according to the person's face and the depth of the wrinkle. After a half-hour session, the person can return to his daily life.

What is Nasolabial Filling?

Nasolabial filling is the process of removing wrinkles that start from the edges of the nostrils and move towards the mouth area and become more prominent with laughter by filling. Hyaluronic acid is used in the filling content and this content is highly compatible with the human body. With this procedure, which is performed for the person to have a young skin, wrinkles that are very prominent in the face area are removed. Since hyaluronic acid disappears in the body over time, this procedure may need to be repeated. Generally, a single session may be sufficient for the person.

Why is nasolabial filling done?

Nasolabial filling is performed to eliminate wrinkles in the mouth area. With this filling, a softening of facial expression occurs and facial features become clearer. With filler injection, the skin softens and the elasticity of the skin increases. When that wrinkle that becomes prominent with aging disappears, the person looks younger. The skin looks firmer and fuller. As a result, the person feels psychologically better.

In some people, it can also be performed for acne and acne treatment. Depending on the size and condition of acne, it is usually applied to people with excessive acne.

How is nasolabial filling done?

Nasolabial filling procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. Since local anaesthesia is performed before this procedure applied by injection method, the person does not feel any pain. The filler applied under the skin usually contains hyaluronic acid. When hyaluronic acid is applied under the skin, it increases the water retention of the skin. Thus, the skin becomes fuller and wrinkles become indistinct. The amount to be used in the injection is specially determined according to the depth of the lines and skin type of the person. The procedure is completed in 20-30 minutes. The effect of the filler is seen immediately after the application. Nasolabial filler has a permanence between 6-18 months.



Who Can Have Nasolabial Filling?

Nasolabial filling is generally applied more frequently to people of advanced age, where the wrinkles around the mouth deepen. Over 18 years of age, nasolabial filling is suitable for people who do not have a chronic health problem. A younger appearance is obtained when applied to people with deepened lines. Better results can be obtained in people with more elastic skin. Although the filler is selected compatible with human skin, it may cause sensitivity or allergic reaction in some people. Therefore, it should be applied to people who are not allergic to fillers. It is suitable for all known skin types, skin type is evaluated before the procedure.

After Nasolabial Filler

There are situations that the person should pay attention after nasolabial filling. In order to reduce the side effects of filler injection, no pressure should be applied to the face for two days after the procedure. Skin cleaning and face massage should not be applied with hard blows. Alcohol and cigarettes should not be consumed in the first days to prevent swelling and bruising on the face. The use of sunscreen should not be disrupted, especially to protect the area where the filler is applied from the harmful rays of the sun.

After filling, sauna and steam should be avoided and excessive sports should not be done. Blood circulation may increase with temperature and swelling may develop. In order to keep the skin more moisturised, attention should be paid to plenty of water consumption. Attention should also be paid to the factors mentioned by the doctor.

Nasolabial Filler Side Effects

Short-term and temporary side effects of nasolabial filling can be seen. Although it is very rare, it is necessary to mention the side effects. The duration of side effects varies from person to person.

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity
  • Itching, rash
  • Filling allergy
  • Not made evenly around the mouth
  • Infection

Negative feedback can be obtained when nasolabial filling procedure is performed by unknown, inexperienced doctors. Therefore, experienced doctors should be preferred. If any side effects are observed, a doctor should be consulted.

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