Youth Vaccine

Youth vaccine is a cosmetic application also known as H-100 vaccine and IAL system application. This vaccine, which supports skin renewal and tightening, is one of the most popular applications of recent years. With its content aimed at eliminating skin imperfections, the youth vaccine, which can remove wrinkles and make the dull appearance lively, is suitable for all skin types.

What is Youth Vaccine?

Youth vaccine is an aesthetic application preferred to combat the signs of aging. The vaccine has the effect of reducing and slowing down the defects caused by aging. There are different types of youth vaccine that do not require surgical intervention and whose effect becomes noticeable in a short time. Different mixtures can be prepared according to the needs of the skin to be applied and applied as a vaccine. In this method, where the serum prepared with amino acids, hyaluronic acid and similar beneficial substances, which are the building blocks of proteins in the skin and slow down aging, is applied to the skin with mesotherapy method, the synthesis of fibroblast cells that form the connective tissue in the skin is triggered. In this way, the skin is nourished and renewed. The effects of the vaccine are long-lasting and significantly reduce the rate of formation of defects such as new spots and wrinkles.




How is Youth Vaccine Administered?

For the youth vaccine application, first of all, the area to be applied is disinfected. Then a numbing cream is applied to the area and waited for about half an hour. During this time, the area becomes numb, the application is performed after the cream is cleaned from the skin. The youth vaccine is injected under the skin with very thin needles. Gold needle, dermapen, dermaroller and similar methods can also be used together with the vaccine. Since these procedures can support and increase the effect of each other, different application combinations can be preferred. The administration time of the vaccine is approximately 15-20 minutes. The youth vaccine is applied in multiple sessions at 12-14 day intervals. Although the number of sessions varies according to the condition of the skin, it is known that the vaccine starts to show effect from the first session.

What Does Youth Vaccine Do?

Youth vaccine, also known as youth serum, can be applied to the face, décolleté, hands, hair, around the eyes, knee area, inner arm and areas with cracks. With this vaccine, the skin regains the moisture it has lost and can regain a firm, elastic appearance. The youth vaccine also protects the person from UVB radiation damage. The youth vaccine, which improves skin color, structure and appearance noticeably from the outside, makes the skin look smooth, young and vibrant. People who want to get rid of the aging effects on their skin and want their skin to regain the radiance of their youth can choose the youth vaccine.

What is in the Youth Vaccine?

The content of the youth vaccine can be specially prepared according to the skin problems seen in the person. Youth vaccines usually contain hyaluronic acid. This substance meets the skin's moisture needs. In addition, the substance containing mannitol, which contains antioxidants and has an anti-edema effect, substances such as collagen, peptides, vitamins and amino acids that play a role in the removal of wrinkles can be found in the youth vaccine.




Who Can Receive the Youth Vaccine?

If needed, the youth vaccine can be administered to people of any gender and any age over the age of 18. However, it is generally recommended for people over the age of 30. Because from the age of 30, the amount of hyaluronic acid in a person's skin begins to decrease. People with wrinkles, blemishes, discoloration, dull appearance and similar on their skin may prefer this application. After the vaccination, it is possible to get rid of these negative effects as the cell renewal in the skin of the person will be supported and the substances in the serum will start to heal the skin.

Youth Vaccine Prices

Youth vaccine prices are quite affordable compared to plastic surgery operations. The substances and brands of the substances used in the youth vaccine, which is an incisionless and fast procedure, may vary. This affects the prices of the youth vaccine. How many sessions the vaccine application will be applied and in which center it is performed are among the other factors affecting the price. Youth vaccine is an aesthetic procedure applied by Op. Dr. Can Kopal and his team in Izmir. You can contact us for information.

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